Tuesday, January 8, 2013

ode to a Bicycle

  • 썸네일
Bicycle, Bicycle

round but long,
black but white,
big but fast,
just like I wanted

Bicycle, Bicycle
beautiful and comfortable
which makes me
easier to ride.

Bicycle, Bicycle
losing you,
breaking you,
bumping you
would break my heart

Bicycle, Bicycle
always be close to me.
I don't want to
lose you  like
the other bicycles
 I had

Bicycle, Bicycle
don't run fast
it will hurt you
if I bump a tree

Bicycle, Bicycle
please stay here.
I must tie you
to protect  from


  1. Semin,

    This is a good ode. It is poetic and descriptive. You made good use of repetition. You should also try using more personifications. Keep up the good work!

  2. Hi!
    This is really a nice ode to your bicycle. Your ode is poetic and descriptive. Just try to use more personifications which bring human qualities to an inanimate object. Keep working hard~

    -Yongwook, Oh (Writing TA)
